The Boating Education Maritime VHF Operators Certificate course for Level 1 Cohort 2022 students is active in April. It is a legal requirement to have this certificate or equivilent to operate maritime radios within NZ waters, and a valuable skill to have in Search and Rescue and Emergency Management (SAR and EM) response teams. We value our relationship with Coastguard New Zealand and Coastguard Boating Education and believe the Marine training courses provided through this partnership are a vital component in developing our future volunteer workforce in SAR and EM.
YSAR Marine Course includes modules;
- L1 River Safety – YSAR
- L1 Marine VHF – Boating Education and NZSAR
- L2 Coastguard Day Skipper Licence – Boating Education and NZSAR
- L3 Flood and River Safety Course – Rescue 3 and NZSAR
Learning to survive, thrive and save lives