YSAR Weekend Exercise training – LandSAR Tracking Course
Youth Search and Rescue (YSAR) is a long-term strategy to address succession, diversity, and innovation across agencies in the SAR and EM sectors. The YSAR students graduate from a 3-year program with a wide range of SAR and EM certificates and skills, and where possible we test emerging technology that may improve response capabilities. YSAR is the youth development conduit that works alongside SAR and EM partners and provides a recruitment pathway, ensuring an empowered, sustainable, and innovative future workforce.
YSAR have 6-weekend training exercises each year. This weekend, YSAR students from Auckland and Tauranga are in the Kaimai Ranges working through their Level 2 weekend exercise program which includes ‘tracking’ training with LandSAR. Land Search and Rescue (LandSAR) are specialists in developing and delivering customized training solutions to meet SAR and EM operational needs so it makes sense for YSAR students to be using the same courses. LandSAR training is highly practical, delivered in an outdoor authentic experiential context. A big thanks to NZSAR, Tony and his training team at LandSAR, and special thanks to PK and Elton for being great instructors. Brilliant course once again.
Learning to Survive, Thrive and Save Lives
For more information about the YSAR program, email [email protected]