Empowering the Future: YSAR’s Commitment to Youth Leadership and Lifelong Service

At YSAR, we believe in empowering young people to take control of their future and tackle the challenges of a complex world. Today’s youth face unprecedented pressures—rapid technological change, environmental issues, and the impact of social media—but we aim to turn a sense of hopelessness into opportunity. Through our programme, young people transition from adolescence to adulthood, gaining the skills, confidence, and leadership abilities needed to thrive.
Our graduates go on to become well-rounded individuals, making valuable contributions across sectors, from search and rescue to private industry. At YSAR, we share the values of organisations like the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award and Outward Bound, understanding the lasting impact of empowering youth through challenge and service.
If you believe in the potential of youth and want to partner with us to shape the future, contact YSAR today. Together, we can make a difference.
Learn more or get involved
YSAR Geographical Information Systems – GIS for Schools Program

The YSAR GIS for Schools Program offers students access to valuable GIS (Geographic Information Systems) resources. The program is provided through Eagle Technology Group and includes an ArcGIS Pro Advance license worth $6500 NZD per student per year. Students can access it at https://ysarnewzealand.maps.arcgis.com/. The ESRI GIS for Schools program offers additional benefits, such as cutting-edge technology, hands-on learning opportunities, educational resources, and collaborative opportunities.
One standout feature of the ArcGIS Pro Advance license is the ability to create captivating Story Maps, which help students convey information visually and interactively. Story Maps enhance projects, encourage real-world applications, and prepare students for future career opportunities.
Overall, the ESRI GIS for Schools program equips YSAR students with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in GIS and spatial analysis. Interested students can find more information at https://www.esri.com/training/catalog/search/.
Enhanced Imaging Technologies: FLIR, Night Vision, LiDAR, and Synthetic Aperture Radar in Emergency Response

Foreword In the realm of search and rescue and emergency response operations, the utilization of advanced imagery technologies has become increasingly crucial for enhancing operational effectiveness and efficiency. In this […]
Seven Sharp – If you went missing, who would go looking for you?

Most likely, it’d be volunteers from New Zealand Search and Rescue, and they’re on the hunt for new recruits. We had the privilege to be interviewed on 7 Sharp about […]
YSAR applications now open for 2023 – new branches available

Student applications are now open for our 2023 Cohort Youth Search and Rescue (YSAR) exists to empower the next generation of community-minded volunteers, and to do this we’re enabling adventure […]
Starlink is set to significantly improve SAR and EM communications

STARLINK BUSINESS – Communications application for SAR and EM on the horizon Since the use of PolSAR HF radios communications in the outdoors has had incremental changes over the years. […]
Youth Search and Rescue (YSAR) offering new branches across NZ

The future looks bright for the Search and Rescue and Emergency Management volunteer workforce YSAR is the youth development training conduit for Search and Rescue and Emergency Management training in […]
Youth Search and Rescue to get free satellite tech – key partnership with Wireless Nation

Under a new partnership, Wireless Nation will provide YSAR with satellite internet for communications, data sharing, and navigation across New Zealand.